2500 Pts Tournament List for Brothers Grimm

Brothers Grim out in Long Island announced the King of Grim Tournament!
“In the tradition of the tournament, it will be a no-holds-barred event with no restrictions. Games will follow the Primary/Secondary/Tertiary Objective format. “
With that being said, I believe my army will be led by none other than the First Sorceress herself:
Morathi @ 375.0 Pts 
     General; Magic Level 4
     #Heartrender & Dark Sword
Level 4 that gets +D3+1 to cast Dark Magic, 5+, and 4++ MR(2)
4 Attacks with KB
Tullaris Dreadbringer @ 155.0 Pts
     Frenzy; Heavy Armour
     #The First Draich
Unit has Frenzy! KB on 5+
Onyxsis (Death Hag) @ 315.0 Pts
     Cauldron of Blood; Frenzy; Battle Standard
     Cry of War [15.0]
     Cauldron of Blood @ [190.0] Pts
          #Fury of Khaine
          #Strength of Khaine
          #Bloodshield of Khaine
          2 Pain and Panic (Witch Elf Crew) 
               Frenzy; 2ndWeapon
27 Witch Elves (Witch Elves) @ 348.0 Pts
     Frenzy; 2ndWeapon; Full Command
     Banner of the Eternal Flame [10.0]
5 Dark Riders @ 110.0 Pts
     Spear; Repeater Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
     5 Dark Steed 
5 Dark Riders @ 110.0 Pts
     Spear; Repeater Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
     5 Dark Steed 
12 Darkshards @ 144.0 Pts
     Repeater Crossbow; Light Armour
26 Har Ganeth Executioners @ 369.0 Pts
     Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Full Command
     Banner of Swiftness [15.0]
Reaper Bolt Thrower @ 70.0 Pts
     2 Crew; Light Armour 
Reaper Bolt Thrower @ 70.0 Pts
     2 Crew; Light Armour
These guys go with the Darkshards in a flank (or separate flanks) to protect main army.
Bloodwrack Shrine @ 175.0 Pts
     Bloodwrack Medusa 
     2 Shrinekeeper 
The second tower! Goes with the Execs so Frenzied Execs get +1 LD. Easier to contain.
5 Doomfire Warlocks @ 125.0 Pts
     #3: Soulblight
     #DrkS2 – Doombolt
     5 Dark Steed 
5 Doomfire Warlocks @ 125.0 Pts
     #3: Soulblight
     #DrkS2 – Doombolt
     5 Dark Steed 
Models in Army: 98
Total Army Cost: 2491.0
Another army list up for playtesting:

Supreme Sorceress Ariakas@ 305.0 Pts
General; Magic Level 4; Lore of Dark Magic
The Black Amulet [60.0]
Tome of Furion [25.0]

Death Hag Malistryx@ 320.0 Pts
Cauldron of Blood; Frenzy
Cry of War [15.0]
Sword of Anti-Heroes [30.0]
1 Cauldron of Blood @ [190.0] Pts
#Fury of Khaine
#Strength of Khaine
#Bloodshield of Khaine
Pain and Panic (2 Witch Elf Crew)
Frenzy; 2ndWeapon

Master Hannibal the Mad@ 213.0 Pts
Lance; Heavy Armour; Sea Dragon Cloak; Shield; Battle Standard
Cloak of Twilight [50.0]
1 Dark Pegasus @ [50.0] Pts

26 Witch Elves @ 372.0 Pts
Frenzy; 2ndWeapon; Standard; Musician
Razor Standard [45.0]
1 Hag @ [10.0] Pts

2 Units of 5 Dark Riders @ 110.0 Pts Each
Spear; Rptr Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Musician
5 Dark Steed

10 Darkshards @ 160.0 Pts
Rptr Crossbow; Light Armour; Shield; Standard; Musician
Banner of the Eternal Flame [10.0]

24 Har Ganeth Executioners @ 330.0 Pts
Great Weapon; Heavy Armour; Standard; Musician
1 Draich-master @ [10.0] Pts

4 Reaper Bolt Thrower @ 70.0 Pts Each
2 Crew
Light Armour

5 Doomfire Warlocks @ 125.0 Pts
#3: Soulblight
#DrkS2 – Doombolt
5 Dark Steed

1 Bloodwrack Shrine @ 175.0 Pts
1 Bloodwrack Medusa
2 Shrinekeeper

Models in Army: 93

Total Army Cost: 2500.0

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